Friday, July 27, 2007

Good night everyone!

One day gone, 5 to go.. After yesterday's uncertainties (missing my flight and being on standby for the following one) it was good to spend a day of nothing, mostly at the beach, at the pool, eating food and drinking good things :)

Waikiki is cool although the beaches are really crowded here. It reminds me of the beaches in Nice.. The weather is gorgeous (88 with a constant little breeze that makes it perfectly bearable,) there are tourists about everywhere and the pace is very laid-back. No worries, no rush, just enjoy the sun and the ocean :)

I have no plans for tomorrow. Sun-conscious that I am I used lots of sunscreen today, but unfortunately I missed a few spots.. And sure enough I have four little patches sunburned and in pain right now :) There's no way I'll skip a day of sun so I'll have to figure something out.

I'm 3 hours behind San Francisco and 12 hours behind Paris, so it's 4:45am and 1:45pm there respectively.The blog dates are expressed in SF time so subtract 3 hours to figure things out ;)

(and it's so much easier to type this on a real keyboard than from a phone's keyboard...)

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